Events Calendar in Polenovo Museum, May 2024

Events in May 2024. 
All master-classes and children’s performances are held at the Arts Learning Center unless otherwise indicated. Tickets mainly 350 rouble per event unless otherwise indicated.
Address: Shkolnaya street, 10, village Strakhovo, Zaoksky district, Tula region.

May, 1 Results of the online drawing contest among children “Vassily Polenov – 180 years”. Presentation of gifts and certificates to the winners. The official page of the V.D. Polenov museum-reserve in social media VKontakte. #vasilypolenov180

May 1, 11:00  Master class in arts and crafts “Painting Easter eggs”. For children 7+.Group of 10 people. Entrance ticket: 350 rubles to be purchased on the site of the Polenovo Museum.

May, 3 14:00 Weaving on the hand loom. For adults and children 7+. Group of 4 people. Entrance ticket: 350 rubles. purchased on the website of the Polenovo Museum.

May 4, 11:00 Master class of making Easter panel on sackcloth with the help of a stencil. Age 7+.Group of 10 people. Entrance ticket: 350 rubles. purchased on the site of the Polenovo Museum.

May, 5, 11:00  Master class on painting a wooden figurine and making an Easter egg. Age 7+. Group of 10 people. Entrance ticket: 350 rubles, available on the Polenovo Museum website.

May 9, 11:00 Master class on creating a butterfly in mosaic technique. Age 6+.Group of 10 people. Entrance ticket: 350 rubles. purchased on the site of the Polenovo Museum.

May, 10, 11:00 Master class on clay modeling of a decorative panel “The Temple in the  Byokhovo village”. Age 7+.Group of 10 people. Entrance ticket: 350 rubles, available on the Polenovo Museum website.

May, 10, 14:00 Weaving on a hand loom. For adults and children 7+.Group of 4 people. Entrance ticket: 350 rub. available on the Polenovo Museum website

May, 11, 11:00 Master class on sculpting a fish panel from clay. For children 7+.Group of 10 people. Entrance ticket: 350 rub. can be purchased on the Polenovo Museum website.

May, 11, 13:00–13:40 Concert of young harpists, laureates and winners of all-Russian and international youth competitions, class of M.M. Podguzovaya  “Harps enchanting sound.” Children’s music school named after D.B. Kabalevsky.
Age 0+. Free admission.
Venue: concert and exhibition hall “City of Masters”,Polenovo Museum.

May, 12, 11:00 master class on batik painting. For children 7+.Group of 10 people. Entrance ticket: 350 rub. can be purchased on the Polenovo Museum website.

May, 17, 14:00 Weaving on a handloom. For adults and children 7+.Group of 4 people. Entrance ticket: 350 rub. can be purchased on the Polenovo Museum website.

May, 18, 12:00–16:00 XVIII Children’s Art Festival “Kurochka Ryaba”, dedicated to the 180th anniversary of the artist V.D. Polenova. Participants: 450 children, children’s groups from the Tula, Kaluga and Moscow regions. Art fair of children’s works, folklore, theater and choreographic concert. Age 0+. Free admission.
Venue: Summer stage at the V.D. Museum-Reserve Polenova.

May 18 18:00  Museum Night. Walking tour “Vassily Polenov’s Estate”. During the tour you will see the archival photographs, excerpts from letters and memories. Group up to 15 people. Age 7+. Free admission. Registration via Timepad is required. Meeting point: the Main gate to the estate (opposite the Guided Tours Center).

May 24 14:00 Weaving on a handloom. For adults and children 7+.Group of 4 people. Entrance ticket: 350 rub. can be purchased on the Polenovo Museum website.

May 25 11:00 master class on creating panels from wet napkins. For children 7+.Group of 10 people. Entrance ticket: 350 rub. can be purchased on the Polenovo Museum website.

May 26, 11:00 master class on creating a composition using dried flowers. For children 7+.Group of 10 people. Entrance ticket: 350 rub. can be purchased on the Polenovo Museum website.

May 31 14:00 Weaving on a handloom. For adults and children 7+. Group of 4 people. Entrance ticket: 350 rub. can be purchased on the Polenovo Museum website