The Vassily Polenov Fine Arts Museum and National Park 

Tula region, Zaoksky area, vil. Strakhovo

Opening hours:
Daily, except Monday and Tuesday.
Museum: 11:00 am – 6:00 pm
Park: 9:00 am – 7:00 pm
Ticket office: 10:45 am – 4:45 pm

Closed for cleaning every last Thursday of the month

Estate and Park
Artists-in-Residence (A‑I‑R) Program

Supporting contemporary artists working in various genres and techniques has been always at the heart of the POLENOVO museum’s mission. The POLENOVO Artists-in-Residence (A‑I‑R) program is a new international initiative launched by the Museum and the Vassily Polenov Association, which enables creative makers and practitioners to gain unique access to the museum’s collection, community engagement and curatorial expertise. The organizers provide residents with a studio on-site and a budget covering part of their travel and production costs, allowing them to experiment, create new works and engage with POLENOVO’s heritage and living traditions.

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