Conference “La première neige” à la Comédie-Française

The Polenov’s anniversary year is coming to an end, but we still have several important events related to artist’s legacy abroad.
On December,3 2024  Vassily PolenovAssociation and Polenovo museum  held a one-day conference, dedicated to the 180th anniversary of V.D. Polenov at Comédie Française in Paris.

The centrepiece of the conference was the display of Vassily Polenov work ‘La première neige’ (1891). This work was presented to the French Theatre (Comédie Française) in 1954 during a tour to the USSR (exactly 70 years ago).

The programme included the following speakers:
– Louis-Gilles Pairault, Comédie Française,
– Natalia Polenova, V.D. Polenov Museum-Reserve,
– Joël Huthwohl, Bibliothèque Nationale de France (Paris),
– Eleanora Paston,  the State Tretyakov Gallery,
– Natalia Murray, Courtauld Institute of Art (London),
– Tatiana Mojenok-Ninin, Vassily Polenov Association (Paris),
– Oksana Bobrovich, Vassily Polenov Association (Paris).

Venue of the conference: ‘Comédie-Française, Salle Mounet-Sully. Place Colette 75001 Paris.
Duration: from 9:00 to 14:00.
Free admission upon the registration by 1 December: .